Little Alchemy 2: Making Time Solved [Updated 2023]


Good day, my fellow alchemist! You’re in luck because I’ll be sharing some advice with you on how to get time element in Little Alchemy 2.

Hourglass and Life must be combined in order to create Time. Glass and Sand can be combined to create Hourglass, whereas Energy and Swamp can be combined to create Life.

Drag and drop Hourglass and Life onto the mixing board once you have them both to produce the rare Time element!

Yet, you should be aware that creating Time is only the start of your alchemical journey. You’ll need to utilise exploration and imagination to find every one of the over 700 elements as there are so many.

Hence, start blending, my fellow alchemist, and may the ingredients be ever in your favour!

Making Time In Little Alchemy 2

As I said earlier, there is not any single or combined method to get the Time element by combing two elements in the game Little Alchemy 2. There is no made-easy process. You must have to collect 100 elements in your game in order to unlock the Time element as the unlockable bonus.

But what if you don’t have 100 elements? Let me tell you that the basic four elements will also be counted in this 100-element list. But only four elements will get you nothing. Then what should you do?

Do not worry! That is why I am writing this article. I’ll give you all of the combinations so you don’t have to struggle to get 100 elements in Little Alchemy 2.

List Of Combinations

Here is the list of combinations using which you can get 100 elements. Check them out.

  • Combine air with air and get pressure.
  • Combine air with earth and get dust.
  • Combine air with fire and get smoke.
  • Combine air with water and get a mist.
  • Combine earth with earth and get land.
  • Combine earth with fire and get lava.
  • Combine earth with water and get mud.
  • Combine earth with lava and get a volcano.
  • Combine earth with land and get a continent.
  • Combine fire with fire and get energy.
  • Combine fire with mud and get brick.
  • Combine earth with energy and get an earthquake.
  • Combine air with energy and get heat.
  • Combine the earth with an earthquake and get the mountain.
  • Combine pressure with lava and get eruption and granite.
  • Combine lava with air and get stone.
  • Combine fire with water and get steam.
  • Combine lava with water and get obsidian.
  • Combine water with water and get a puddle.
  • Combine water with a puddle and get a pond.
  • Combine water with a pond and get a lake.
  • Combine water with lake and get sea.
  • Combine water with sea and get an ocean.
  • Combine air with pressure and get wind.
  • Combine pressure with heat and get plasma.
  • Combine pressure with steam and get Geyser.
  • Combine dust with fire and get gunpowder.
  • Combine smoke with brick and get a chimney.
  • Combine continent with continent and get the planet.
  • Combine air with the planet and get an atmosphere.
  • Combine planet with fire and get sun.
  • Combine the planet with heat and get mercury.
  • Combine the planet with the ocean and get a primordial soup.
  • Combine planet with stone and get the moon.
  • Combine the planet with the sun and get a solar system.
  • Combine the planet with a volcano and get venus.
  • Combine primordial soup with energy and get a life.
  • Combine sun and atmosphere and get aurora and sky.
  • Combine the sun with energy and get solar cells.
  • Combine the sun and moon and get an eclipse and sky.
  • Combine the sun with the ocean and get salt.
  • Combine sun with pressure and get black salt.
  • Combine the sun with the sky and get a day.
  • Combine the sun with solar cells and get electricity.
  • Combine the sun with stone and get a meteoroid.
  • Combine the sun with water and get a rainbow.
  • Combine rainbow with rainbow and get a double rainbow.
  • Combine rainbow with life and get magic.
  • Combine rainbow with water and get paint.
  • Combine the atmosphere with water and get a cloud.
  • Combine clouds with water and get rain.
  • Combine water with life and get plankton.
  • Combine cloud with cloud and get a storm.
  • Combine a storm with a storm and get a tornado.
  • Combine tornado with ocean and get a hurricane.
  • Combine a storm with a lake and get a wave.
  • Combine storm with land and get lightning.
  • Combine cloud with earth and get fog.
  • Combine water with mountains and get a river.
  • Combine river with mountain and get a waterfall.
  • Combine river with rain and get a flood.
  • Combine the sea with an earthquake and get a tsunami.
  • Combine sea with heat and get current.
  • Combine the sea with the moon and get tide.
  • Combine sea with sky and get horizon.
  • Combine the sea with the volcano and get an island.

So these are some basic combinations that you can use in order to reach 100 elements in Little Alchemy 2. Apart from these, there are a few more combinations. Try them and cross the 100-element parameter to get the unlockable bonus of time.

Recipes That Use Time

Both in real life and in this instructive game, time is a crucial component. After time is unlocked, you can utilise it in a variety of recipes.

We have tested the following time recipes so far.

  • Combine Time and Animals to make Humans and Sloth
  • Combine Time and Bee to make Honey
  • Combine Time and Bone to make Fossil
  • Combine Time and Bread to make Mold
  • Combine Time and Campfire to make Ash and Smoke
  • Combine Time and Castle to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and City to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Container to make an Hourglass
  • Combine Time and a Corpse to make Bones and a Skeleton
  • Combine Time and Dawn to make Day
  • Combine Time and Deity to make Father Time
  • Combine Time and a Dinosaur to make Birds and a Fossil
  • Combine Time and a Duckling to make a Duck
  • Combine Time and Electricity to make a Clock
  • Combine Time and a Fairy Tale to make a Legend
  • Combine Time and Family to make a Family Tree
  • Combine Time and a Farmy to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Flowers to make Fruits and Seeds
  • Combine Time and a Fossil to make Petroleum
  • Combine Time and Fruit to make Mold
  • Combine Time and Glass to make an Hourglass
  • Combine Time and Grass to make Peat
  • Combine Time and a Grave to make a Fossil
  • Combine Time and Hospital to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and House to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Humans to make a Corpse
  • Combine Time and Ice to make a Glacier
  • Combine Time and Juice to make Alcohol
  • Combine Time and Life to make Death
  • Combine Time and Machine to make a Clock
  • Combine Time and Milk to make Cheese
  • Combine Time and a Monkey to make a Human
  • Combine Time and the Moon to make Night
  • Combine Time and the Ocean to make Tide
  • Combine Time and Peat to make Coal
  • Combine Time and Plant to make Trees
  • Combine Time and Primordial Soup to make Life
  • Combine Time and Pterodactyl to make Bird
  • Combine Time and Rain to make Flood
  • Combine Time and Sand to make an Hourglass
  • Combine Time and the Sea to make Tide
  • Combine Time and Skeleton to make a Fossil
  • Combine Time and the Sky to make Moon
  • Combine Time and the Skyscraper to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Story to make a Legend
  • Combine Time and the Sun to make Day
  • Combine Time and the Swamp to make Peat
  • Combine Time and a Tool to make a Clock
  • Combine Time and Twilight to make Night
  • Combine Time and Vegetables to make Mold
  • Combine Time and Village to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Volcano to make an Eruption
  • Combine Time and Wheel to make a Clock
  • Combine Time and Wine to make Vinegar

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.How do you make little time in Alchemy 2?

Ans. There is no shortcut way or any specific combination to get the Time element in the game Little Alchemy 2. All you need to do is to be patient and get at least 100 elements in your game so that you can get the Time element as the unlockable bonus.

Q2. How do I make time in little alchemy 2?

Ans. You need to collect at least 100 elements to get the unlockable bonus of the Time element.

Q3. How do you make day and time in Little Alchemy 2?

Ans. To make a day, you have to combine the sun with the sky. And to get time, you have to collect 100 elements.

The Final Words

So this was everything about getting Time in Little Alchemy 2. I hope my article will help you to understand how to get time in Little Alchemy 2

Happy gaming!

See Also:

About Me

Experienced writer with a passion for anime and games. Adept at creating informative and engaging content, including articles, reviews, and features. Deep knowledge of the anime and gaming industries and always up-to-date with the latest news and trends. Committed to sharing insights and enthusiasm with fellow fans through writing.

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